COVID-19 Measures
At Cobham Dental we are focused on making sure our patients feel comfortable, protected, and can access the treatment and care they need in a safe environment throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to follow the strict guidance laid down by the Department of Health and the Chief Dental Officer for England which we must adhere to.
We would ask that, in line with Government guidance in healthcare settings, you still wear a mask or face covering on arrival at the practice. We will ask you some screening questions on arrival and continue to maintain social distancing with other patients. Should you feel unwell, be awaiting a PCR test result or have been told to isolate, please contact us by phone to postpone your appointment.
Whilst these protocols are onerous on staff and patients alike, they have enabled Cobham Dental to remain open and to maintain a perfect Covid-free record. We hope you agree that continuing to be robust in our adherence to government requirements is still important for all our benefit.